Scientific workplace for academic papers

Scientific WorkPlace 6®

Scientific WorkPlace Version 6 makes writing, sharing and typesetting mathematical and scientific text easier than you ever imagined. This is an easy-to-use word processor that integrates mathematics and text in the same environment. The embedded MuPAD 5 computer algebra engine in Scientific WorkPlace 6 allows the user to perform computations on the screen, and to print them out correctly formatted.

With Version 6 you have a choice of operating systems: Windows or 32-bit Mac OS up to 10.14 Mojave. With its entirely new Mozilla-based architecture, Version 6 provides more flexibility; you can save or export your documents in multiple formats according to your publication and portability needs.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 continues to be a front-end for the LaTeX typesetting program which is used to typeset complex technical documents. This means that you don’t have to learn the LaTeX syntax. Because of its superior precision and quality, LaTeX is the gold standard for publishers and authors of scientific papers and books.

When you typeset, LaTeX automatically generates footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents and cross references. The software includes document shells that have been designed to meet the typesetting requirements of specific professional journals and institutions. Scientific WorkPlace 6 automatically saves your documents as XML files. This makes them completely portable across platforms. Sharing your work with colleagues is easy and seamless.


The first time you start Scientific WorkPlace you may be warned that you need to register the software in order to get all the features to work correctly: simply click on “OK” to continue:  Figure 7. System Registration window

Follow the steps below to obtain a Personal Serial Number and be able to register your copy of the software:

  1. After restarting your computer, login with a user having Administrator rights;

  2. Run SWP from Start Menu > Programs > Scientific WorkPlace 5.5;

  3. From the menu on the top, choose Help > Register;

  4. Select “By an automated web service” and click “Next” :

     Figure 8. Register window 

  5. You will be shown the License Agreement for this software: select “I accept this agreement” and click “OK” :

     Figure 10. License agreement 

  6. In the following window, click on “Register Now” to proceed:

     Figure 11. Automated Registration status window 

  7.  Figure 12. Order window 

  8. Close SWP if it is currently running;

  9. Save the attached LICENSE.LIC file into the Licenses subfolder inside your SWP installation folder (if you followed all steps above, typically C:\swp55\Licenses), making sure to overwrite any existing one; IMPORTANT: be sure NOT to save the file as Notepad/.TXT file type but instead select All files (*.*) in the «Save as file type» field and verify that the .lic extension is visible in the «File name» field as to read license.lic:

     Figure 13. Save Attachment window 

  10. Restart your computer, then start SWP as usual. To verify the registration, from the menu on the top choose Help > System Features. The software is correctly registered if you can read Available in the bottom field of the System Features window:

     Figure 14. System Features window 

    WARNING: the SWP license is usually valid for 1 year from the time of installation: you will need to renew it once it has expired. Pick up a new temporary Serial Number from the ICT and proceed with the instructions further below to renew an already installed copy of SWP.Please Note: we strongly suggest to schedule your Outlook/OWA Calendar a few days before the expiration of the license to have enough time to renew it. You can check how many days you have left by accessing System Features and by scrolling down the bottom field to its end: 

     Figure 15. System Features, days left before license expiration


  1. Login to the computer on which the software is to be installed as a user with Administrator rights;

  2. Uninstall any previous versions of the software by using Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features on Windows Vista and 7) from the Control Panel;

  3. It is advisable as well to close all other applications before proceeding;

  4. Insert the Welcome DVD and/or the SWP CD into your disk drive and wait for the menu to appear: click on Scientific Workplace and wait for the “Installation Setup” window to appear.  Please Note: if the window does not appear automatically, open My Computer, double-click on the CD/DVD drive and double-click on WelcomeDVD.exe or SETUP.EXE;

  5. When the Serial Number is requested, type in the temporary Serial Number (something like 408-E0600-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx ) provided by the ICT, then click on the “Install” button: Figure 1. Installation Setup window 

  6. When the “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard” window appears, click “Next”;

  7. When the “Customer Information” window appears, be sure to correctly provide the following data then click the “Next” button to proceed:

     Figure 2. Customer Information window 

  8. When the “Choose Destination Location” window appears, it is suggested to confirm the default installation folder. In any case, do NOT choose a folder containing spaces in it (e.g.: do NOT use C:\Program Files):C:\swp55  Figure 3. Choose Destination Location window 

  9. When the “Setup Type” window appears, tick Complete and click “Next”:

     Figure 4. Select Type window 

  10. When the “Select Program Folder” window appears, click “Next” ;

  11. The files will now be copied onto your hard disk: please wait a few minutes until the installation is complete;

  12. When the installation is complete, you will be asked to register the software: click “No” :

     Figure 5. Register window 

  13. When the “Scientific WorkPlace Installation Complete” window appears, choose “Yes, I want to restart my computer now”, then click “Finish” to complete the installation: WARNING: your PC will be re-booted: save any open documents and files first! 

     Figure 6. Scientific WorkPlace Installation Complete window 

The installation procedure is now complete but in order to activate all features of the software you still need to register it.

Please Note: on Windows Vista and 7, when starting SWP you may get a «Failed to update system registry. Need permission to add?» error message. This error is NOT related with the registration of the software. Check Known Issues for further details on this topic.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 Adds the Power of MuPAD 5

Scientific WorkPlace 6 uses MuPAD 5 as the embedded computer algebra system. In this integrated working environment, you can enter mathematics and perform computations without having to think or work in a programming language.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 uses natural mathematical notation, so you don’t have to master complex syntax to be able to evaluate, simplify, solve, or plot mathematical expressions. Full computer algebra capabilities are available. You can compute symbolically or numerically, integrate, differentiate, and solve algebraic and differential equations. With menu commands you can compute with over 150 units of physical measure.

With Scientific WorkPlace 6 you can create two- and three-dimensional plots in many styles and coordinate systems, and enhance the plots with background color, grid lines, and plot labels in
specified locations and orientations. Although there are substantial changes to Scientific WorkPlace 6, the computation behavior of the program is largely unchanged and will be familiar to previous users of our products.

The manual, Doing Mathematics with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook Version 6 by Darel W. Hardy and Carol L. Walker, describes the use of the underlying computer algebra system for doing mathematical calculations. In particular, it explains how to use the built-in computer algebra system to do a wide range of mathematics without dealing directly with MuPAD syntax. This manual is available as a download.

Customer Portal

Customer Portal – это эффективный бизнес-инструмент для автоматизации административных задач. Компания-пользователь получает интерфейс на основе браузера, ориентированного на Avaya UC. Портал прост в использовании, хотя построен на сложных управляющих алгоритмах.С помощью Avaya Customer Portal организации экономят время и деньги на управлении пользовательскими учетными данными своих сотрудников, кроме того он обеспечивает актуальность всех данных.

Что это значит? Customer Portal позволяет создавать, управлять и удалять учетные записи, быстро и легко встраивая их в корпоративную среду. Он решает весь спектр задач абонентского самообслуживания от смены имен на аппаратах и кнопках до сброса PIN. Ведёт отчетность по вызовам, с его помощью можно настраивать оборудование под конкретного сотрудника и руководить работой всего колл-центра, меняя функции операторов.

Резюмируя преимущества, можно сказать, что пользователи Avaya Customer Portal получат:

  • единый пользовательский интерфейс для всех функций телефонии и систем связи;
  • автоматизированную обработку стандартизированных процессов рабочего цикла;
  • самообслуживание сотрудников для часто используемых функций;
  • полезные расширения для управления активами и компонентами систем связи;
  • современную структуру, поддерживающую специфические для клиента приложения;
  • гибкую модель биллинга с тарифами, зависящими от использования.

Используя Avaya Customer Portal, клиенты AVAYA UC могут совершить гигантский скачок вперед в обеспечении качества обслуживания клиентов дополнительными сервисами, при этом снизив расходы на эксплуатацию систем унифицированных коммуникаций.

Scientific Word 6®

Scientific Word Version 6 brings you the ease of entering
text and mathematics in natural notation in an easy-to-use word processing system. Now running on 32-bit Mac OS up to 10.14 Mojave, as well as on Windows, with its entirely
new Mozilla-based architecture, Scientific Word 6 provides more flexibility for your workplace. You can save or export your documents in multiple formats, according to your publication and portability needs. Your documents are saved as
xml files which makes them completely portable across platforms. Sharing your work with colleagues is easier than ever.

All of the MacKichan Software products share the same easy-to-learn, easy-to-use scientific word processor. You can create mathematical and scientific documents easily, combining text and mathematics in a completely integrated environment. Scientific Word 6 allows you to compose and edit complex documents directly on the screen without having to think in a programming language.

Scientific Word 6 enhances important features that were present in earlier versions of the program: compatibility with other software and systems; a rich interface based on the logical separation of content and appearance; the natural entry of text and mathematics; and the ability to typeset complex technical documents with LaTeX the industry standard for mathematics and scientific publishing.

Because Scientific Word 6 is a front end to LaTeX, you do not have to learn the LaTeX syntax. When you typeset, LaTeX automatically generates footnotes, indexes, bibliographies, tables of contents, and cross-references.

Client SDK

Современный рынок становится всё более дифференцированным. Заказчики требуют персонифицированного подхода. С одной стороны это позволяет более эффективно взаимодействовать, с другой – усложняет процесс интеграции и «подстраивания» под запросы клиентов. У компании Avaya есть эффективный инструмент для решения и этой задачи. Client SDK – это комплект средств разработки, который позволяет специалистам по программному обеспечению создавать приложения на основе функциональности платформ унифицированных коммуникаций и контактных центров Avaya. SDK использует встроенный функционал платформы и сокращает время на разработку и интеграцию.

Возможности Avaya Client SDK:

  • Общий набор API-интерфейсов позволяет разработчикам создавать инновационные и дифференцированные пользовательские интерфейсы. Те же API-интерфейсы используются Avaya для создания собственных клиентских приложений, включая клиенты Avaya Workplace client и Avaya Oceana Workspaces.
  • SDK выходит за рамки традиционных унифицированных коммуникаций и контакт-центров. Он позволяет разработчикам комбинировать интеллектуальных операторов, функции поиска в базе данных и аналитику в совершенно новые унифицированные пользовательские интерфейсы.
  • Упрощение процесса разработки происходит за счет использования удобных для разработчиков API и встроенных коннекторов. Никаких специальных знаний протоколов связи не требуется. SDK поддерживает несколько платформ и позволяет создать общий пользовательский интерфейс для мобильных (Android, iOS), настольных (Windows, Mac) операционных систем и веб-приложений (JavaScript).

Какие преимущества получают пользователи Client SDK?

  • Повышение гибкости бизнеса за счёт предоставления дифференцированных возможностей и реализации индивидуальных бизнес-потребностей;
  • Снижение затрат за счет использования встроенных инструментов SDK и API-интерфейсов. Разработчики могут сосредоточиться на создании решений, не тратя время на изучение возможностей приложения.
  • Улучшение качества обслуживания клиентов, потому что Avaya Client SDK позволяет персонифицировать и оптимизировать взаимодействие с конкретными заказчиками, упрощая доступ, повышая удовлетворенность от сотрудничества и увеличивая прибыль.

How will Scientific Word help you?

  • Makes short work of academic papers/dissertation/thesis – saves you time and effort
  • Easy point & click interface for symbols and operators – no hunting for LaTeX codes
  • Fabulous typeset output reinforces the quality of your work
  • Runs on your existing Windows and Mac machines – just install and go!
  • Writes the LaTeX file for you, so you can easily share with co-authors
  • 3 times faster than writing LaTeX by hand – more time for your family/teaching/research/golf course
  • …to say nothing of our World Class USP

Typesetting using Scientific Word/WorkPlace v6 – from Dr Christopher Mabb

Scientific Word/WorkPlace 6Scientific WorkPlace

How will Scientific WorkPlace help you?

  • Makes short work of academic papers/dissertation/thesis – saves you time and effort
  • Easy point & click interface for symbols and operators – no hunting for LaTeX codes
  • Fabulous typeset output reinforces the quality of your work
  • Compute menu solves equations, plots graphs, factorizes etc. – helps finish your document
  • Runs on your existing Windows and Mac machines – just install and go!
  • Writes the LaTeX file for you, so you can easily share with co-authors
  • 3 times faster than writing LaTeX by hand – more time for your family/teaching/research/golf course
  • …to say nothing of our World Class USP

Computation using Scientific WorkPlace v6 – from Dr Christopher Mabb

Scientific WorkPlace 6Scientific Word

Document Production

Documents and all files related to them (embedded files, plot files, etc.) are automatically bundled together. In Scientific WorkPlace 6 you only need a single file bearing the extension .sci to share a document.

You can seamlessly import LaTeX files created with earlier versions of the program, and can export any document as a LaTeX file.

In XML and XHTML files, Version 6 represents your mathematics as MathML. This makes it easy to create XHTML web files for the representation of your mathematics on various platforms over the Internet with a browser. The recommended browser for Version 6 is Firefox, not Scientific Viewer.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 gives you multiple document production options. You can choose whether to preview or print directly from the program window when you are ready for output, or you can view your document in a browser. With Scientific WorkPlace you can typeset your document when you need the extensive document formatting that LaTeX and pdfLaTeX provide.

New to Version 6 you may Undo an unlimited number of previous editing changes from your current session within a document.

Also new is the ability to check your spelling in realtime. With the inline spell checking from MySpell, you can catch any misspellings. MySpell, which is open-source, includes dictionaries in over 40 languages. Misspelled words have a wavy red underline.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 speeds document formatting with a new visual interface for page layouts. Common tasks, such as a section head and footnote formatting are simpler. This new WYSIWYG interface translates directly to TeX. There is little or no need to use the document preamble or raw TeX commands to achieve the page format you want.

Fragments in Version 6 can contain text, mathematics, TeX strings, XHTML code, graphics, or anything else that can go on the clipboard. The program comes with a few pre-defined fragments. Information in fragments can carry tags, and fragments from each document are available to all.

Tables in Scientific WorkPlace 6 are made easier by a new visual interface. Rows and columns will resize automatically to fit the amount of information being entered; you can also manually resize them.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 gives you improved and scalable fonts. Use pdfLaTeX or XƎTEX to create documents with a wide variety of scalable fonts. With XƎTEX you can installed on your computer, as well as Unicode and associated extended Unicode TrueType fonts. The program includes the latest version of LaTeX and AMS macros. The packages yield ligatures and kerning in all text when documents are typeset.

Scientific WorkPlace 6 supports any left-to-right or right-to-left language that is supported by your operating system.

The manual, Creating Documents with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word Version 6, by Clint Hicks, is a guide to the substantial changes in this new version. Written as an introduction for new users, as well as giving existing users information about the important changes to the functionality of our programs, this manual is available as a download.

Avaya Workplace

Avaya Workplace Client – это приложение, которое даёт доступ к сервисам унифицированных коммуникаций (UC) и совместной работы. Приложение поддерживается на операционных системах Android, iOS, Mac, Windows и обладает универсальным интуитивно понятным интерфейсом. Его можно установить на смартфонах, планшетах, ноутбуках, стационарных компьютерах или устройствах Avaya Vantage.Аvaya Workplace обеспечивает несколько функциональных уровней:

  • голосовой и видео вызов;
  • обмен мультимедийными сообщениями в пользовательских и групповых чатах;
  • хранение истории обмена мультимедийными сообщениями;
  • поиск по корпоративному справочнику нужного сотрудника;
  • аудио- и видео-конференц-связь с полным набором инструментов управления конференцией (подключение/отключение участников, блокировка/разблокировка микрофонов участников, блокировка собрания, управление раскладкой и т.д.).

С Avaya Workplace можно совершать аудио- и видеозвонки, переводить их на других пользователей, вводить добавочный номер, присоединяться к вызовам с нескольких устройств, собирать и управлять аудио- и видео конференциями, осуществлять поиск сотрудников в корпоративном справочнике. Пользователи могут просматривать историю звонков, слушать голосовую почту и переадресовывать вызовы. Но голос больше не является предпочтительным способом оставаться на связи с клиентами и коллегами. Вместо аудиосвязи основополагающее значение приобретает видеосвязь и обмен контентом с помощью мгновенных сообщений. Именно поэтому у всех пользователей Avaya Workplace есть доступ к Avaya Aura. Эта коммуникационная платформа на базе IP-протокола соединяет сотрудников независимо от их местонахождения и обеспечивает эффективную поддержку голоса, видео, мультимедийных сообщений, веб-приложений, мобильных клиентов и мультимедийной конференц-связи.

Это значит, что сотрудники с помощью мультимедийных сообщений могут обмениваться фото-, аудио- и видеофайлами. Их удобно просматривать на экране своего устройства, не прерывая конференц-связь. Более того, изображение своего экрана можно сделать доступным для всех участников. Пользователи всегда остаются на связи даже когда много перемещаются в течение дня — Avaya Workplace Client путешествует вместе со своими пользователями, предоставляя эффективный инструмент для общения везде, где и когда они хотят. А главное, что перед началом работы каждая организация может настроить Avaya Workplace «под себя».

Increased Productivity

While you are doing the work of creating content, you do not need to be distracted by formatting tasks. Scientific WorkPlace 6 does that work for you. With so many available output options, each with a different purpose and appearance, taking the time-consuming approach of trying to make the document on the screen look as much as possible like the printed document is simply not necessary.

Because the document window does not correspond directly to the size of online or printed pages, the program does not display page divisions or fixed line lengths on the screen; lines are broken to fit the size of the window. When you preview the document, you will see the page divisions correctly. Our programs use styles and tags for formatting documents, which can be printed directly or saved as XHTML files for use on your website.

Version 6 provides direct access to the Internet from within the program. The online Help system provides fast information when you need it. Our Unbeatable Expert Technical Support is available for our licensed users.

Scientific Word/WorkPlace, version 6 – «The Basics» from Barry MacKichan.

Scientific WorkPlace 6

Increased Productivity

While you are doing the work of creating content, you do not need to be distracted by formatting tasks. Scientific Word 6 does that work for you. With so many available output options, each with a different purpose and appearance, taking the time-consuming approach of trying to
make the document on the screen look as much as possible like the printed document is simply not necessary.

Because the document window does not correspond directly to the size of online or printed pages, the program does not display page divisions or fixed line lengths on the screen; lines are broken to fit the size of the window. When you preview the document, you will see the page divisions correctly. Our programs use styles and tags for formatting documents, which can be printed directly or saved as XHTML files for use on your website.

Version 6 provides direct access to the Internet from within the program. The online Help system provides fast information when you need it. Our Unbeatable Expert Technical Support is available for our licensed users.

Scientific Word/WorkPlace, version 6 – «The Basics» from Barry MacKichan.

Scientific Word 6

Document Production

Documents and all files related to them (embedded files, plot files, etc.) are automatically bundled together. In Scientific Word 6 you only need a single file bearing the extension .sci to share a document.

You can seamlessly import LaTeX files created with earlier versions of the program, and can export any document as a LaTeX file.

In XML and XHTML files, Version 6 represents your mathematics as MathML. This makes it easy to create XHTML web files for the representation of your mathematics on various platforms over the Internet with a browser. The recommended browser for Version 6 is Firefox, not Scientific Viewer.

Scientific Word 6 gives you multiple document production options. You can choose whether to preview or print directly from the program window when you are ready for output, or you can view your document in a browser. With Scientific Word you can typeset your document when you need the extensive document formatting that LaTeX and pdfLaTeX provide.

New to Version 6 you may Undo an unlimited number of previous editing changes from your current session within a document.

Also new is the ability to check your spelling in realtime. With the inline spell checking from MySpell, you can catch any misspellings. MySpell, which is open-source, includes dictionaries in over 40 languages. Misspelled words have a wavy red underline.

Scientific Word 6 speeds document formatting with a new visual interface for page layouts. Common tasks, such as a section head and footnote formatting are simpler. This new WYSIWYG interface translates directly to TeX. There is little or no need to use the document preamble or raw TeX commands to achieve the page format you want.

Fragments in Version 6 can contain text, mathematics, TeX strings, XHTML code, graphics, or anything else that can
go on the clipboard. The program comes with a few pre-defined fragments. Information in fragments can carry tags, and fragments from each document are available to all.

Tables in Scientific Word 6 are made easier by a new visual interface. Rows and columns will resize automatically to fit the amount of information being entered; you can also manually resize them.

Scientific Word 6 gives you improved and scalable fonts. Use pdfLaTeX or XƎTEX to create documents with a wide variety of scalable fonts. With XƎTEX you can installed on your computer, as well as Unicode and associated extended Unicode TrueType fonts. The program
includes the latest version of LaTeX and AMS
macros. The packages yield ligatures and kerning in all text when documents are typeset.

Scientific Word 6 supports any left-to-right or right-to-left language that is supported by your operating system.

The manual, Creating Documents with Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word Version 6, by Clint Hicks, is a guide to the substantial changes in this new version. Written as an introduction for new users, as well as giving existing users information about the important changes to the functionality of our programs, this manual is available as a download.

License Renewal

  1. Start SWP as usual and from the menu on the top, choose Help > System Features. Click on «Change Serial Number» and enter the new temporary Serial Number provided by the ICT followed by «OK» :

     Figure 17. Entering new temporary serial number 

  2. Repeat steps 14 to 24 to complete the registration process.

For any installation problem, please contact Portable Device Support.

For any problem in registering the software, please contact your local IT User Support Office (Site Office).

 = The software is available to Researchers, Fellows, Academic and Administrative Staff. It is not available to Alumni, Partners and Visitors. 

 = Provided by , your local IT User Support Office (Site Office) or Portable Device Support’s main Badia desk.

Page last updated on 20 August 2017

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